Saturday 21 July 2007


In France, the prosecutor, or Procureur de la République (or Procureur Général in an Appeal Court or Avocat Général in the Court of Cassation) is assisted by deputies (substituts). He opens preliminary enquiries, and if necessary asks for the nomination of an investigating magistrate (a Juge d'Instruction) to lead a judiciary information. In the case of an information led by a judge, the prosecutor does not lead the enquiries, but simply lays down the scope of the crimes that the judge and law enforcement forces investigate upon; he may, like defense attorneys, request or suggest further enquiries. During a criminal trial, the prosecutor has to lay the case in front of the trier of fact (judges or jury). He generally suggests a certain sentence, which the court has no obligation to follow — the court may decide on a higher or lower sentence. The procureur has also some other duties regarding more generally the administration of justice.


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